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Cancel Israel!
Thursday, May 20 2010

Some people are very creative when it comes to make Elton cancel his show in Tel Aviv on June 17, 2010.

We have received the following feedback in regard of this topic:


Like you, I'm a huge Elton fan. I caught my first show at Madison Square Garden in 1989 at the age of 9. I have tickets to see Sir Elton in Ramat Gan and am happy he is playing here. Many (most) Israelis support peace with our Palestinian neighbors and would do almost anything to achieve it. Any view that blames only us and not the Palestinians for the lack of piece is overly simplistic and doesn't understand the nuances of the situation in this part of the world and why Israel is nothing like apartheid South Africa. Arabs living in Israel proper have full rights, vote, serve in government and can serve in any job. Sure, there's discrimination but it's something we're working on. And it's not as if other Western countries don't have tons of discrimination - look at blacks in America and muslims in western europe to name 2 examples - yet no one is calling on Elton John to cancel his shows in these places. In addition, Israel is a country that supports the rights of its gay citizens - we have gay members of parliament, corporate leaders, etc. Elton just had a show cancelled in Egypt for the 'crime' of being gay - apparently the way G-d made this beautiful man is offensive to religious muslims. I didn't see that make the cut in your 'news' stream - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joe-mirabella/elton-johns-egypt-concert_b_566341.html

Unlike the people who made the below movie, Elton John lives in the real world. He knows his music can have a healing power. And he knows that while far from perfect (which country is?), he is far more welcome in Tel Aviv than he is in most other places on earth including (sadly) all muslim countries (with 1 or 2 possible exceptions).

Please allow a retort to the 'Cancel Israel!' post, or at least allow comments on it - maybe you could even publish my letter here.

Keep up the great work tracking all things Elton!

Jonathan Liss

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